
What is a CCRC?
What is the benefit of a CCRC?
Do I have to be Catholic to receive services from Saint Mary’s?
What if I’m not certain about staying at Saint Mary’s?


Are there age and income requirements?
Do I need to have an Advance Directive?
My partner and I wish to live at Saint Mary’s together. Do we both have to apply? Is there an extra fee?
Will I have my own, private room?
Can I bring personal belongings with me?

Life at Saint Mary’s

What services are included in my fee?
Can I leave the facility and/or have visitors?
Is transportation provided?
Can I have a pet or can a pet visit?
What dining options are there? Are meals provided?


What happens if I run out of money and can no longer pay for my care?
What is Benevolent Care?
Will my Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance cover Residential Living and Nursing Care?
Will I have a copay for my care?
Who do I call if I have questions about my bill or insurance?