The Board is responsible for the governance, integrity and strategic direction of Saint Mary’s.

The Board meets quarterly and consists of volunteer members who are elected for three-year terms. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania maintain sponsorship and reserve powers for Saint Mary’s Home of Erie.

  • Ronald Seigley, Chairperson
  • Shawn Emerson, CPA, Vice-Chairperson
  • Mary Zenner, Treasurer
  • Austin Brugger, Secretary
  • Robert Orton, President/CEO
  • Allen Bonace, President Emeritus
  • Rev. Thomas Brooks
  • Debbie Burbules
  • Mary Candela
  • Christopher Coughlin, Immediate Past Chairperson
  • Sister Mary Drexler, SSJ Designee
  • Rebecca Dudenhoeffer, CPA
  • Annie Frew
  • John Reilly
  • Larry Roberts
  • William Samluk
  • Brenda Sandberg
  • Andrew Schmidt, Esq.
  • Garrett Shames, Esq.
  • Colleen Stumpf, Esq.*

*Non-Voting Board Member and Legal Counsel